Man sleeping on bench in winter sun

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Man sleeping on bench in winter sun

Where else but in the mild Mediterranean?  Elsewhere the caption might ostensibly read, “Man found frozen to death on bench in wintry chill.”

Not that we don’t have a winter in Malta mind you!  It does get occasionally uncomfortable and we do get the odd week when single-digit temperatures give us a taste of what it really means to freeze.

But the sun is never far away and once it returns it very quickly pushes temperatures up to the comfort zone.  Such as 18 degrees or whereabouts.  This means that people like the subject in the photo can take the risk and nap for a while even though it’s January.  Suitably equipped with gloves and cap of course!  And the secure backdrop of a regiment of wrought-iron green Maltese-crosses in Valletta’s Upper Barrakka Gardens where this photo was taken.

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